TruAudio FAQs

Have you ever had a quick question for TruAudio that you wish you didn’t have to call tech support or your sales associate for? Well, TruAudio has compiled this quick list of top 25 Frequently Asked Questions for anyone to reference!
1. How do you set up the DSP on the CDi-1000 (Crown Amplifier)?
- Under the LCD screen on the front of the Crown amp is three buttons. The far left button is labeled “SET/ENTER”. Push this button once, then immediately push the middle button repeatedly. This will scroll through the DSP list and you should stop when you find the correct one for the install. Next, push the “SET/ENTER” button again to load the displayed DSP (there is a ten-second timeout before you will be forced to start from the beginning). *All Crown Amplifiers from TruAudio come with an installation guide that is taped to the front of the amplifier
2. What channel is Outdoor Subwoofers and Speakers installed on?
- Outdoor Subwoofers are always installed on channel 1. Acoustiscape Speakers are always installed on channel 2.
3. How many speakers can be installed on a Crown Amplifier?
- You can safely use up to 80% of the amplifier’s power. For example: for 70v applications - ex. CDi-1000 is 500w @ 70v. 80% = 400w. Add up all the “TAP” settings for all the speakers and make sure the total is 400w or less. If you go over 400 watts you will need a more powerful amplifier or you will need to lower the “TAP” settings on some speakers until the total is less than 400w.
- For 8Ω amplifier applications - You can only use 1 8Ω speaker for each channel.
- For 4Ω amplifier applications - You can use 2 8Ω speakers for each channel.
4. What do the taps do?
- The taps allow you to lower the maximum wattage on each speaker. By lowering the Watts, the maximum volume for each speaker will be decreased too. This is useful for installations around a patio (where you may not want the audio as loud as speakers placed far away like around a pool).
5. Can you add more speakers to the Ultrascape system?
- No, you can not.
6. My Ultrascape is not very loud, what’s wrong with it?
- This particular system is not designed to be loud. It is actually designed to be placed in a very small listening area. If using a T-100 amplifier you should increase the bass & treble to add more volume to the system.
7. Why is my powered subwoofer humming?
- The humming is often referred to as a “60-cycle hum”. It is usually caused by improper bonding or grounding at the house demarcation (the location where the wires enter the house and meet). Have the installer remove the RCA cables from the subwoofer that connects it to the receiver (make sure that the subwoofer power is kept on). The hum should instantly stop. *This is generally a problem with the end-users equipment. Many installers carry a “ground loop isolator” and will attach it to the coax wire before it enters the cable box. This usually fixes the problem. *Example of an isolator is the Jensen VRD-1FF and is designed to fix the hum.
8. Why is the TV audio not coming out of my custom soundbar or just making noise when using an optical cable?
- The T.V.’s digital audio setting must be set to PCM (any other setting will not work including “auto”).
9. My remote will not program to your (T50, T100, Amp-440, CPSB).
- Please refer to the manual pertaining to each individual product in order to receive the correct programming instructions. *Only use an IR only remote. Some remotes have dual-band RF/IR transmitters (which can cause issues.)
10. My outdoor subterrain subwoofer filled with water, what do I do now?
- First, use a shop vac to accurately remove all of the water out of the subwoofer, The Subterrain Subwoofers are sealed units, due to this there are no user-serviceable parts contained inside of the unit. Be sure that the rubber sleeve has both pipe clamps attached to both ends (and it’s tightened). *Do not bury the top of the subwoofer below the dirt line (The top is the porthole without the rubber sleeve on it).
11. How many speakers can I have per channel on a TruAudio amplifier?
- 4-ohm stable amplifier---(2) 8-ohm speakers per channel, 8-ohm stable amplifier---(1) 8-ohm speaker per channel.
12. Do I have the ability to mismatch the impedance on an amplifier?
- Yes, it is not usually recommended. However, as long as the impedance of any given channel does not go below the amp’s rating.
13. My old/discontinued product failed/broke, what can I do?
- We here at TruAudio strive to remain at the cutting edge of audio technology by creating new and innovative products. From time to time we must discontinue our older products in order to make room for newer ones. Unfortunately, it is difficult to keep parts on hand for every product that we make or have had in the past. We apologize for this inconvenience.
14. Is the driver inside the ST-SUB-12.2 and ST-SUB-10.2 replaceable?
- No, it is not.
15. My speaker has no output, what’s wrong?
- First, check to see if the amplifier leads are attached to the speaker binding post. If not, plug them in. Attach the speaker to a working channel from the amplifier to determine if the problem is the speaker or something else.
16. Is the Outdoor package compatible with my current system?
- The Crown amplifier that comes in the Outdoor package connects to any system with a female RCA.
17. What is the purpose of a back box?
- Back boxes are used to provide uniform airspace while installing in-wall or in-ceiling speakers into open baffle airspace.
18. I experienced a power surge and now my amp will not power on?
- First, check the power fuse to see if it got damaged. The fuse is located in a pull-out tray on the back of the amp in the same plastic bezel as the power connector. You must remove the power cord before you can access the pull-out tray. Use a small flathead screwdriver to open the pull-out tray. Inspect the fuse, if damaged you should replace it with a new one (get from an auto part store, amazon etc…). If the amplifier still fails to turn on, call the TruAudio Support line.
19. There has been a natural disaster (ie. flood, hurricane, twisters) and one of my products have been damaged, what are my options?
- Most homeowners have an insurance policy that will cover damage to outdoor equipment and this will usually include outdoor speakers as well. *TruAudio warranties do not cover natural disasters
20. My system is too quiet, how do I make it louder?
- TruAudio recommends that you add additional speakers if your system allows it. Speak to your sales representative and they can figure out the possible options.
21. What is the benefit of using 70 Volt?
- The biggest benefit is the range of distance. 70-volt systems allow you to run very long runs of speaker wire without a significant signal loss. Generally, the setup is pretty easy and you just need to wire all of the positive & negative terminals of the speaker to the positive & negative 70-volt terminals on the amplifier.
- Example of an 8Ω wire run vs. 70-volt wire run. Using a 14AWG wire with an 8 ohms signal at 604 ft will have a 50%loss of power compared to the same 14AWG wire with a 70-volt signal, which you can run to 14,809 ft with a 50% loss of power.
22. How do I know which outdoor subwoofer is in my backyard?
- ST-SUB-12/12.2 Green (70-volt)
- ST-SUB-10/10.2 Yellow (4 ohms)
- HS-SUB-12TN Tan (70-volt)
- HS-SUB-12BR Brown (70-volt)
23. Does a WR40 require an amp?
- Yes, the required amp for a WR40 is the TRU-S500DSP with the DSP set to WR40.
24. What is the correct setting for the AS-2 and the above-ground subwoofer (Hardscape)?
- The correct setting is AS/HS
25. I am a new dealer and I want to get pricing information from you guys?
- We need to know where you are located and we can connect you with the appropriate sales support team member.
If you have any other questions, our tech support is available during normal business hours and you can always contact your sales team member more help!
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