Home Office: Make Your Home The Perfect Office

Most audio enthusiasts that have speakers set up in their home, installed them for a specific reason; on the patio to make summer barbecues unforgettable, in the kitchen when a little inspiration is needed, and for the surround sound in the home theater room (who wants to go out to the movies anyway? Well you can’t right now, so good choice).
Lately, it seems that the world has been flipped upside down and many of you that work every day are stuck at home due to social distancing requirements.
Some of you may be completely off from work and others are forced to find the best way to continue working at home. With that being said, does anyone wake up motivated to get some work done?
Possibly you just want to make it through your “work from home” blues and learn ways to boost your productivity? Several things can improve your work environment and help make you more productive. But have you considered using VSSL and TruAudio to help?
Design An Environment Made For Success
Due to the fairly new pandemic and the news flooding everyone’s phones and T.V.s, “to remain isolated at home as much as possible,” some of you have little to no experience working from home. Working from home can be troublesome when you have a hectic home environment with our kids being kept home from school and our spouses working from home as well. So how do we keep working productively from inside our humble abode?
The first step is to make sure that you have all of the necessary tools and supplies, as well as a working internet connection (should your work require it). It is important to find a designated space to go to, to complete daily tasks.
Find a space that is a little more isolated from the rest of your home and everyone in it. You may have an actual office or the corner of your bedroom with a small desk, and some of you may just have the kitchen table.
Utilize What You Have
It is almost unbelievable how much the average American uses their phone because phones have such a big spot in our lives. To make things easy, VSSL’s streaming amplifier allows the user to control their sound system via a cellular device. This means that no third party app needs to be downloaded and you can control the music and sound where your office is just by one touch on your protected phone screen.
You have the ability to turn on soothing background music in your home office to help get your juices flowing and organize your thoughts. VSSL systems allow you to control video-audio (if you happen to be on a conference call) and control the speakers installed in the room (and other rooms).
Claim Your Speakers
If you are one of the many families stuck at home together in isolation, you are going to want to claim the speakers in your “office”. Try titling them something that will let everyone else know that they can’t use these speakers for the princess-themed renegade in their room, featuring Elsa-- singing “Let It Go”.
How Your System Can Be Used at Home
Before all of the madness with the COVID-19 virus, homeowners everywhere were wanting to design an in-home theater, install speakers in their backyard around the pool on the patio, and even in the kitchen to set the mood while making dinner. All of these instances are for entertainment purposes but thankfully your VSSL amplifier and TruAudio speakers can be used for much, much more.
With the nation deciding that social distancing is the best way to move forward and some businesses having to order their employees to stay home and work remotely, some of these employees are trying to find ways to remain motivated and continue a steady work pace. The VSSL amplifiers offer the ability to set up different “audio zones” in a home, ie; the media room can be named “Theater”. Once all of the zones are set up (including your work station) you can establish your own designated zone.
Utilize Your Voice Assistant
The Google Assistant can help manage your calendar, scheduled conference calls, or even tell you what’s on the agenda for the day. For busy points in your day (when you can only multitask), you can ask Google Assistant to check your email or set a reminder for later in the day to connect with someone.
Keep Up With Work/Home lists
Most of us make lists for things that we need, but if you are like me and you often lose those lists that you start, then finding a way to not lose them will be beneficial to you. With your Google Assistant or Alexa, you can add simple things like printer paper to the shopping list or even ask, “Hey Google, what is currently on my shopping list?”
Communicate With Your Family
With Google Assistant you can start your day with scheduled help like turning the lights on in the morning or even the news to go with that fresh cup of coffee. With VSSL, you can utilize the built-in paging system to let the rest of your family know when you’re done with work for the day and announce when dinner is ready to be served.
Work Playlist
Create a music playlist for your morning or even a “work-mode” playlist; put together the music that helps fuel your productivity juices and helps keep you going throughout the day. Then when you sit down to begin working you can say, “Play “work-mode” playlist.”
One of the most important rules for working from home is to be sure that you include scheduled breaks throughout the day. Without these much-needed breaks, it gets difficult to remain productive. Create a “break” playlist that has all of the music that sets your mind free and allows you to clear your mind from all distractions!
The Support That You Need
TruAudio Speakers and VSSL are here to help you during this complicated time to help with all of your work from home needs and more! Our products are made for multi-use and we just want to be here for all of our supporters.
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