First Golden Ticket to Vegas Winner!

We are thrilled to announce the first Golden Ticket to Vegas has been found! While opening an unassuming box containing TruAudio’s new entry-line home theater speakers, the REV6Ps, a Golden Ticket caught the attention of Rob Arend, owner of 24/7 Audio Video in Tempe, Ariz.
“We had ordered just three new in-ceiling speakers for a customer, and when they arrived yesterday my purchasing manager, Cameron, said, ‘let’s open them just to see if we got one of those Golden Tickets,” Arend said. “We opened the first, nothing. The second, nothing. Opened the third, the very last one pulled out the grill, and there it was.”
Starting in his garage in 1998, Arend laid the groundwork for 24/7 Audio Video with a small satellite installation business. From there it has flourished into a full-service audio video company with a special emphasis on 24-hour seven-days-a-week customer service and a culture of teamwork. Arend and his seven employees dig their shoulders into their work spurred on by knowing no one is above the other, even Arend himself. Arend said he doesn’t think of himself as a business owner, but just another installer or salesman working right next to his employees.
“Rob has been one of our dealers for about eight years now and we’ve built quite a trusted relationship with him.” TruAudio President Bryan Garner said. “We’re thrilled to see him win, and are so excited to bring him to Vegas and treat him like royalty.”
“One thing about TruAudio is that they take care of their dealers,” Arend said. “When you have equipment problems you don’t have to go through hell or high water to get things replaced. Companies like TruAudio are the reason guys like us stay in business.”
With two more tickets waiting to be found, dealers keep your orders coming and continue to carefully check your shipments of the AS-2 and SLIM-PWR44 Soundbar.