Vision Electronics: From Grim to Glam

Vision Electronics: From Grim to Glam
In May of 2012, fire gutted this home.
Vision Electronics of St. George, Utah was called in to bring it back from the ashes and create a residential masterpiece.
The Challenge
“It was a bit of a tricky restoration,” said Aaron Mayer, co-owner at Vision. “The prior control system was not Control4 and there was some question as to whether the circuits and switches had been bad and actually caused the fire.”
“The home was not entirely burned down so we had to both clean-up, fix, retrofit as well as install a completely new system. We abandoned all the old wiring - completely redoing it all so we were 100% sure that it was done correctly. We wanted to make sure we got it exactly right,” stated Brandon Hart, Vision co-owner.
The Solution
The home now has over 200 ZigBee devices. There is full lighting control - every light in the home, inside and out, including the pool and tennis court.
The home has full climate control as well as complete security integration with 16 security cameras on the house.
There are 30 zones of audio with whole house audio, a home theater and 18 different TV/Video locations throughout the home.
Hidden Beauty
When it came to the finished product, the homeowner had two specific requests. With the automated sophistication of their new Control 4 system, they wanted to make sure that it was as user-friendly as possible. Secondly, they wanted all the automated sophistication to have minimal impact on the overall aesthetics of the home.
Cosmetics were very important to the homeowner. In no place was this achieved more perfectly than in the audio throughout the home.
In this living room alone, Vision Electronics installed three TruAudio GHT-66P In-Wall Home Theater speakers and two TruAudio Trunami In-Wall Subwoofers. But you’d be hard pressed to see them - they’re cleverly hidden behind the TV and furniture.
TruAudio Ghost 8” In-Ceiling speakers provide whole house audio throughout the home. But again, you’d barely notice them because the Ghost speakers sport a magnetic grill with a mere 2 millimeter reveal and are color-matched to the decor for a clean, minimalist look.
Utilizing Control4’s D2Audio intelligent amplifier that produces 100 watts of clean, efficient power, the Ghosts provide a rich, full sound that is heard but not seen.
The homeowner spends a lot of time in his home office and he wanted some great sound. Vision installed the TruAudio Trunami In-Wall Subwoofer to bring out the low-end sound that you normally can’t get from regular in-ceiling speakers. The homeowner liked that the Trunami was out of sight, up in the ceiling with a color matched grill.
8" Outdoor Rock speakers from TruAudio were used extensively outside the home with four surrounding the pool, two near the fire pit and two hidden around the playground.
Easy Convenience
To make the homeowner’s Control4 system as user-friendly as possible, Vision added some nice little touches that the homeowner absolutely loves.
Here’s their top three:
Water Main Automated Shut-off Valves: when the homeowner leaves for any length of time, automatic switches power down ice makers and the water heater in a Vacation Mode. They’ve already been through a fire - they sure don’t want to experience an unexpected flood.
Suite Shut Down: All the suites in the home have a bathroom and TV. Three taps on the keypad as you leave the suite shuts off the TV, lights, and audio. This is the ultimate labor-saving device for those who can’t leave a room without feeling compelled to turn off every last switch.
Remote Finder: Walk into any room, tap three times on the keypad and the remote in that area will beep. No more spending half your lifetime hunting for the elusive remote.
Happily Ever After
“Admittedly, this time around the home enjoys a far better engineered system. We designed it so it works from the very first day. It’s a great system, very convenient and easy for the owner to use,” states Brandon.
That’s why Vision enjoys working with Control4.
“We’ve been with Control4 from day one. They always give us a quick response. We’re never left hanging. When it comes to technology, there’s always going to be glitches. That’s why it’s great to always have somebody there to back you up,.” states Aaron.
They also appreciate the products and customer service they get from TruAudio.
“We’ve been partners with TruAudio for a long time. They have phenomenal speakers. Plus, they have great employees who respond quickly and go the extra mile for you. Because of them, we’ve always been able to satisfy the most demanding clients,” said Brandon.
In this instance, Vision Electronics was able to help a home owner recover from the devastation of a fire and in the process create a home that is beautiful, secure, convenient and extremely enjoyable!